Community Research

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Partnering with consumers as a next interactive step in research.

The ideal way to deeply dive into consumers’ lifes
Typical online communities consist of dedicated, often outspoken people, connected via online platform and committed to share their points of view. Due to their ongoing nature based upon an online platform incl. many features and interactively moderated by eye-level moderation online communities are the ideal way to deeply dive into consumers’ lifes.

We’d be happy to advise you on your questions regarding online communities. Just give us a call or send an email.

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More than pure qualitative or quantitative research

Online community offers more than pure qualitative or quantitative research and serves as a tool to partner with consumers or clients over a defined period of time.

  • Research questions will be covered ethnographically not only in consumers home, but also out-of-home. So we can cover consumption and purchase situations fully.
  • Innovation processes can be accompanied directly with direct and spontaneous user feedback.
  • Participants have many ways to describe aspects which are important from their point of view: photo, video, verbally, orally.
  • Community members are asked to communicate with each other enabling us to understand consumers’ interests without asking.
  • Members are asked to share (daily) routines helping us to fully understand behaviour and – ideally – reasons behind.
  • Consumers can be tracked individually aiming to understand individual behaviour changes and developments.
  • As an ongoing tool with immediate access to target-groups research can be done immediately / spontaneously with fast turn-around.
Die Abbildung zeigt eine Übersicht über Online-Communities und passenden Tools für die Marktforschung

Online-Communities im Überblick

Online-Communities: Overview

Pop-up or long-term, big or small number of participants

Communities are not necessarily long-lasting research-tasks with a large number of participants. We achieve valuable results with smaller samples in a short-term approach.

Who is using community research?

As soon as involved customers and/or other relevant target groups (dealer, own sales force) are available, it is worthwhile to discuss community research. An ideal source of information that can be used first-hand.

Porträt von Thomas Schäfer, Managing Director, vor dunklem Hintergrund

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+49 (0)40 466 56 79 51
