International Market Research

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Think global – act local!

  • You want your brand to enter a new market in which you are currently not active yet and of which you are not sufficiently informed about business conditions and consumer needs?
  • Your current product portfolio is to be extended internationally or to be changed?
  • You follow a global strategy, but you are not sure whether it suits the local requirements of other markets?

The balancing act between global strategy with cost benefits and returns to scale on the one hand and a local adaptation to optimize acceptance in each market on the other demands a lot from a business as well as from the conducting market research company.

We’d be happy to advise you on your questions regarding international research. Just give us a call or send an email.

Contact us now

Our approach to international market research

Benefit from our experience, gained over years, to accompany you professionally in leading your brand portfolio across borders.

Regarding the conduction of international market research studies, we follow three principles to combine highest relevance of the results with the best quality standards:

No matter in how many or in which countries the project is running, you have one project team at nuggets responsible for coordination and communication with all those countries. From a study design – adapted to local requirements if needed – to the presentation of the results customized to local or global needs – you get it all from one source.
Many cultural, economical/ political or geographical factors determine the needs of your international target group as well as their perception and assessment of products or services. To fully understand this local influence correctly and to be able to consider it in your international market analysis, close cooperation with a local market research institute not only provides an added value, it often is indispensable for analysis as well. Ever since, nuggets is familiar with market research in an international context and is aware of the various local peculiarities. Over the years, we built a network of reliable, competent and committed partners in many countries, who are happy to support us on demand.

You usually have a project manager from nuggets on-site with qualitative studies or quantitative studio-tests, to ensure our high quality standards in international marketing research:

  • Qualitative Market Research: Here, we usually accompany fieldwork completely. The first briefing with the moderator allows for a detailed explanation of backgrounds, issues and project objectives. Now work on the results can begin, together with the client in the observation room: While the in-depth interview or focus group is still being conducted, first conclusions can be drawn, questions can be adapted and what is being heard can be put in a strategic context already.
  • Quantitative Market Research: Here we supervise at least the first day of fieldwork in person – if required on several sites. A personal interviewer training with all the staff responsible for the project on-site ensures the correct conduction of the project. Afterwards, the interview is tested by means of pilot interviews and can be adapted if required. That way, a smooth process on-site can be ensured.

Methods for international market research

  • Qualitative research, like (online-) focus groups, online bulletin boards, (online-) in-depth interviews, diaries, co-creation, accompanied shopping, forums and blogs.

  • Quantitative research, mobile, online as well as personal interviews or phone interviews: in online panels, test studios, phone studios, in households or with people from your customer database.

Benefit from our network

Our international market research network consists of partners in all the important markets:

  • The typical countries in Europe: France, UK, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary
  • Eastern line of sight: for example Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan.
  • Near and Middle East: Iran, Saudi-Arabia, Jordan
  • Asia: for example People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, Indonesia, India
  • Southern Pacific: Australia, New Zealand
  • North America: USA, Canada
  • Middle America and South America: for example Mexico, Brazil, Columbia, Argentina, Chile
  • As far as Africa: for example Morocco, Algeria, South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya.

Graue Weltkarte mit dunkelbraun hervorgehobenen Ländern, die das internationale nuggets-Netzwerk zeigen

Das nuggets-Netzwerk

The nuggets-network: contacts established for many years, extending Europe’s borders by far.

Sören Reichardt, Managing Director, blurred in the foreground on his laptop, Focus on Diana Leyens, Research Director, with book in the background

Do you have questions?

We look forward to your message!

+49 (0)40 466 56 79 00
